Before being Liberal Party Representative for Deakin, Kenneth Aldred was Liberal Party Representative for Bruce and Liberal Party Representative for Henty.

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How do they vote?

Please note that our voting records start in February 2006.

Rebel votes

Kenneth Aldred has never voted against the majority of their party since February 2006. explain rebellions

Recent Votes

Recent votes in parliament that this Representative could have attended.

No votes listed as Former Liberal Party Representative for Deakin

No votes listed as Former Liberal Party Representative for Bruce

No votes listed as Former Liberal Party Representative for Henty

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Shows people in order of those who voted always the same as Kenneth Aldred (100% agreement) to those who never voted the same (0% agreement).

We only compare those votes where both people attended. This may reveal relationships between people that were previously unsuspected. Or it may be nonsense.

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